Breast Revision Sydney

Top Reasons to Get Breast Revision: When Is It Necessary?

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, breast revision surgery Sydney may be a good option for you.

This type of surgery can address many common issues, including breast implants that have become too large or too small, asymmetry, and sagging. Here are the top five reasons to get breast revision Sydney:

i. You Are Experiencing Pain

One of the most common reasons why women seek breast revision surgery is because they are experiencing pain.

That can be due to various factors, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, or simply having an ill-fitting implant.

If you are experiencing pain in your breasts, it is essential to consult with a certified plastic surgeon to see if breast revision surgery is right for you.

ii. You Are Not Happy with the Size or Shape of Your Breasts

Another common reason women seek breast revision surgery is that they are not happy with the size or shape of their breasts.

That can be due to several factors, such as weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and aging. If you are not happy with the way your breasts look, breast revision surgery can help.

iii. You Have Developed Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is one of the most common complications of breast augmentation surgery.

It occurs when the scar tissue around the implant hardens and squeezes the implant, causing pain and discomfort.( Breast Implant Removal Cost Australia )

If you have developed capsular contracture, revision surgery may be necessary to correct the problem.

iv. You Have an Implant Rupture

If you have an implant rupture, it is important to seek revision surgery as soon as possible. An implant rupture can cause a number of problems, such as pain, discomfort, and inflammation.

Revision surgery will help correct the problem and restore your breasts to their original appearance.

v. You Have an Ill-Fitting Implant

If you have an ill-fitting implant, it can cause a number of problems, such as pain, discomfort, and capsular contracture.

Revision surgery will help correct the problem and ensure that your implants fit properly.

vi. You Want to Remove Your Implants

There are many reasons why women decide on breast implant removal. Some women no longer want them, while others may have developed complications requiring implant removal. 

If you want to remove your implants, breast revision surgery can help.


If you are unhappy with your breasts, breast implant removal Sydney may be the right option for you.

Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about this procedure.

We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you decide if breast revision surgery is the best choice for you.

For more information on Male Breast Surgery, visit our website today!

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